This blog is Defunct. Visit the New Blog

"The old age believed in magic, this age believes in science, but we are on the precipice of a third age, a fusion of everything that's come before." - Jerrod Woolf

The Third Age is a serialized dramatic/science fiction webseries, created and executed by Patrick Meaney and Jordan Rennert. It will consist of two 13 episode volumes. Episodes run from 7-9 minutes, and will be released every two weeks. An exact release date is TBD, pending distribution.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New Blog

To go with our new redesigned site, we unfortunately have to move the blog from this site to one located on the new site. Update your RSS feed accordingly! This blog is going to be updated at least three times a week, as we get closer and closer to the launch. Stay tuned there for all the latest info! Sorry about the inconvenience!

Monday, September 21, 2009

T3A Launch: November 17th

At long last, we've got a release date for The Third Age. It's going to be out on November 17th, on Blip TV. Visit The Third Age channel on Blip and bookmark it to get more info on the release. New video content will be posted soon, as well as a relaunch of The Third Age site. Look for that soon!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

More Images

The Show will be going live online in the not too distant future. I've said that before, but hopefully it will be true soon. Six episodes are locked, there's seven shooting days left on the show. Here's some more images from the show.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Third Age Premiere!

At long last, The Third Age is going public. Not to the internet yet, that will be happening shortly. But, if you're in New York City, head on down to the Industry Power Play "Out of this World" screening event, and get an exclusive look at the first three episodes of the series.

7pm @ People Lounge - 163 Allen Street, NYC

Check Industry Power Play or Facebook for more details.

I will be there, as will some of the cast and crew. Get ready to experience the psychedelic mythology remix that is The Third Age. And if you can't make it, stand by, the show will be online in the not too distant future.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Web Presence

Progress on The Third Age continues slowly, but surely. We're starting up the process of pitching and securing distribution more seriously, even as we continue to shoot and shoot. The goal is to finish shooting on the whole project by the end of June, which could possibly be before an episode is even released. Crazy stuff, but you'll see it soon enough.

But, as part of that pitching process, I'm gradually expanding the web presence. The official site is now built and up and It's mostly just links to content on the blog now, but I'll be building it up and fleshing it out over the next few weeks.

In addition, and more relevant for readers here, we've now got a Facebook page for T3A. Go here, and friend us to get the latest updates on the progress of The Third Age.

Also, I'll be at the New York Comicon this weekend, hanging out at the Sequart booth. I'm there to promote my forthcoming book on Grant Morrison's The Invisibles, called Our Sentence is Up. But, I'll have some T3A postcards there, they look great, so come by and grab one. Hopefully I'll see you there.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Monday, November 17, 2008